Looking through some old files today, I ran across one file particularly striking. It was the document I needed to get cleared with the Assemblies of God because my wife and I both had been divorced previously to our marriage. How easy it is anymore to just leave, give up, quit and get someone else that seems to fit better. And when that one gets a little tough, well divorce and just do it all over again. The first question I ask is this: what happens when the going gets tough?
NO! I am not talking about a sick child or dog, maybe finances are a bit strapped. I am talking about being knee deep in the trench, covered in mud, blood and fear. Being so torn so tired, so drained and so frustrated that it seems impossible to breathe. And then the problems keep coming, in pairs or even in threes or fours or more. The pet dies, the mortgage is foreclosed on, the children are sick, you lose your job, the power gets cut off, there is no food to eat, and that is just the beginning. Maybe you stick around, maybe you tuck your head into your shoulders and prepare for the blows. Maybe even surviving them. But how you two react to the problems and to each other is where the battle really lies.
How many times do we lash out to our spouse? How often do we make it all about “our misery?”
Quitting is NOT an option for the family that serves CHRIST! It is not an option for the Christian period!